Education Events 2023

The objective of the conclave is to make the learning experience better, easier, faster and more importantly better suited to every individual’s acumen and personality.

EFTF will look at Technology & Digital Platforms as the driving force. How can ‘Technology’ help education further? What are the new vistas that lie before us? How can the future of technology aid our education ecosystem to evolve into a better tool for learning – not just knowledge but understanding.

Date of Event – Friday, December 2, 2022.
Venue of the Event – CII – Suresh Neotia Centre of Excellence for Leadership
Time of the Event – 02:00 pm –5:00 pm

Apple Professional Learning Session (Virtual)

Date of Event – Saturday, June 24, 2023.
Venue of the Event – iPad Lab, DPS Durgapur
Time of the Event – 09:30 am – 12:00 pm

* Introduction to the Apple Apps & Apple Ecosystem (30 minutes)
* Creating interesting & outstanding creations with Keynote & iMovie (20 minutes)
* Designing a book in Pages and Book Creator. (15 minutes)
* Collaboration of apps (5 minutes)
* Q & A (5 minutes)

Trainer: Ms Virginia Arun, Apple Professional Learning Specialist

Apple Professional Learning Session (Onsite)

Date of Event – Wednesday, June 28, 2023.
Venue of the Event – Library, CBS Bangalore
Time of the Event – 01:00 pm – 03:00 pm


* Introduction to the Apple Apps & Apple Ecosystem (15 minutes)
* Creating interesting & outstanding creations with Keynote (15 minutes)
* Preparing a green screen video without a green screen (5 minutes)
* Designing a book , creating interactive worksheets in Pages (15 minutes)
* Collaboration of apps (5 minutes)
* Q & A (5 minutes)

Trainer: Ms Virginia Arun, Apple Professional Learning Specialist